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Year 7 Camp Week

Our Year 7 Camp is on from Monday 19 February to Friday 23 February at The Ranch at Cape Schnack This is a 3 day camp. Camp 1 – East Campus: Monday 19 February to Wednesday 21 February. Camp 2 – West Campus: Wednesday 21 February to Friday 23 February....
Adventure at Year 7 Camp

Adventure at Year 7 Camp

Our annual Year 7 Camp took place in term 1 at โ€˜The Ranchโ€™ in Cape Schanck. It was a jam-packed 3 days for our Year 7s with loads of activities including swimming, archery, movies, a night hike, flying fox, the big swing, rock climbing and team-based obstacle course...

Year 7 Camp

Our Year 7 Camp takes place on WC 20 February 2023, it’s an important part of our transition program into secondary school for all Year 7s. Our students can build new friendships and relationships with our teachers. DATES West Campus Year 7 Monday 20 February...