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Year 7 Transition hub

Helping your child move easily into secondary school life

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Welcome to our Year 7 Hub!

The goal of our Year 7 Hub is to provide useful information and links to help your child and family transition more easily into secondary school.

We completely understand that beginning secondary school can be a daunting experience for many. You may have lots of questions or simply not know where to start. In the Year 7 Hub you will find information on:

  • Key Dates 
  • Resources
  • Key Contacts
  • Compass information
  • Transition Program
  • Uniform
  • Booklists & Laptops
  • Learning Mentor & House System
  • Curriculum & Extra Curriculum
  • Camps & Excursions
  • Instrumental Music program
  • Student Leadership opportunities

The information on this page has been designed for students and families to explore together and familiarise yourself with all of the aspects to life at Rowville Secondary College. It is important that you take the time to read this page. 

In doing so, we hope that we can help put your mind at ease so your transition from primary school into secondary school is as smooth and worry-free as it can be. 


You must sign into our Enrolment Portal to confirm acceptance or decline our offer at Rowville Secondary College. Offer of Enrolments are sent to you by email, please also check your junk inbox. Read Enrolment Portal Guide.

key dates



  • Wednesday 12 February: Year 7 West Family Picnic, 5pm – 6.30pm
  • Thursday 13 February: Year 7 East Family Picnic, 5pm – 6.30pm
  • West Year 7 Camp: Monday 17 February – Wednesday 19 February
  • East Year 7 Camp: Wednesday 19 February – Friday 21 February


  • 2025 School Open Night and Information Nights: Book here.

 *Dates will be added to this page, so please check back regularly.


Any general questions you have about Year 7 Transition, email us.

key contacts

Email us or call 9755 4555 (Monday-Thursday 8:15am-4:30pm & Friday 8:15am- 4:00pm)

Use Compass to record student absence or call 9755 4515 (East) or 9755 4525 (West)

East Campus: Allison Moyle
West Campus: Declan Forbes

Eastern Campus

7Q – Cassandra Le Fleur
7R – Paola Guerra Marin
7S – Zoe Marks
7T – Matt Krawczyk
7U – Bryce Webb
7V – Shane Hart
7W – Sarah Evans and Kerri Poutet

Western Campus

7A – Chris Darling
7B – Brittany Farr
7C – Misha Kawatra
7D – Shashi Singh
7E – Ashleigh Serpant
7F – Tara Dickson



Welcome New Families

Visit our Principal’s Address page to hear from  Acting Principal, Ms. Nicole Pryor, on our school vision and focus on high expectations.


RSC Virtual School Tour showing you around our one great school school and our students daily experience.

Can I go on a school tour this year?

School Tours run every Friday at 9.30am during the school term. Book at school tour here.

How separate are the East and west campus?

Other than being separated by a distance of 2.4kms, not much is different. Students, programs, and most teachers are based at each campus, however, a number transfer between to study and teach. Apart from that, we are one great school with the same philosophy, curriculum, supports, leadership, and opportunity.

How is a standard day structured?

It consists of 4 periods separated by three breaks. There is also a Learning Mentor session before Period 1 every day for 20 mins. The school day starts at 9am and finishes at 3:15pm. View class times.

Do students move classrooms throughout the day or do they stay in the same classroom?

Students move around the school throughout the day depending on what subjects they have. We have various “wings” within the school, based on our Houses, which contain general purpose classrooms, but may also contain other areas set up for various areas of study, including Music, Arts, and Science. The Year 7s have their own area, often referred to as the “Rainbow Wing” where they have their lockers and LM rooms, but they will move around the school for many of their other classes. 

Can my twin be in the same class?

If that is what you would prefer, we will do our best to accommodate your request. 

When will I know if I have a spot on the school bus?

You should receive notification requesting payment by mid November if you have already requested a spot on a school bus. If you have not yet registered your interest, please call the school office ASAP as places are limited or visit our Bus Information page. Bus allocations will be made in early December. 

Is there a shuttle bus between the two campuses?

Yes, our school buses travel from the East campus to the West campus before school, and then from the West campus to the East campus after school. This bus is free, visit our bus website page for more information and to register. There is also no shuttle bus service throughout the school day.

If I catch public transport to Stud Park, is there a back entrance to the Western Campus I can take?

Yes, students can take the short cut through Selwood Crt, but should not cut through Rowville Primary School. 

Can I bring my mobile phone to school?

Yes, students can bring their phones to school, however they must be switched off and kept in the student’s bag in their locker for the entire day. Students need to ensure their phones are not in their hands as they walk into school in the morning. For more details, please see our Mobile Phone Policy. 

Are there any food restrictions at the school?

We do not have specific food policies. If we have students that have allergies, they take individual precautions, and all teachers and staff are aware of any students on the anaphylaxis list. We also encourage students to mindful of the packaging they bring to school to reduce waste and litter. 


Compass: Parents

Current parent provides insight into how Compass operates from a parent perspective, talking about the News Feed, Calendar, Attendance, Learning Tasks and how to communicate with teachers.

Compass Guide for Parents
Login to Compass

Compass: Students

Our student provides insight into how Compass operates from a student perspective. Login to Compass


What is the best way to contact a teacher?

As our teachers spend most of their time in the classroom teaching our students, the preferred method of communication is email through Compass. If you have a general question please contact the Learning Mentor. Teachers will endeavour to respond in 48 hours but not in the school holidays or on weekends. If it’s an urgent matter please call our office 9755 4555.

How do I get on the School Council?

We will send out parent information and nomination forms for our School Council positions on Compass in Term 1. Make sure you check Compass newsfeed.

When will parent/guardians receive their username for Compass?

Permanent Parent Usernames will be sent Mid-term 4. These will be emailed to you. Students will receive their Usernames when their laptops are set up in January as part of the onboarding sessions.

If I already have a child at RSC, do I need a new Compass login?

No. If you already have a student at RSC, you keep the same login.

What is my school email address?

Student email addresses can be found on Compass. It contains the student’s school username (eg. SYR0321) followed by @rowvillesc.vic.edu.au. If in doubt, use a parent email address and change it later.


Transition program

Supporting our Year 7s

What are the class times?

Click here for our class times.

Where can I find a map of the campus I attend?

You will find our School Maps here. They are also located on various walls and windows around the school.

When is Year 7 Orientation Day?

Our Year 7 Orientation Day is Tuesday 10 December for students commencing secondary school in 2025.

What do I wear on Orientation Day?

Wear your primary school uniform on that day. You will receive more information about Orientation prior to the day.

What happens on Orientation Day?

Orientation Day is a fantastic introduction to RSC. Students meet their Learning Mentors and the students who will be in their LM group and hear a little about what they will be doing in Year 7 as well as taking part in “get-to-know-you” activities, and games to allow the students to familiarise themselves with the school grounds. While it’s understandable that students can be both excited and apprehensive about Orientation, it’s important to remember that students coming into our specialist programs are coming from a wide range of primary schools, so most students will not know anyone else there and be eager and ready to make new friends!

Are combination locks supplied for Year 7 lockers?

Yes, all Year 7 students receive a combination lock. For security, this combination must remain confidential to the student and Learning Mentor. There is no need to purchase your own lock. It is recommended students use the school supplied lock for security and keep a copy of the code at home somewhere safe so it can be checked and re-memorised at the end of each holiday period.

What happens on the first day of school?

On the first day of school, you will meet up with your Learning Mentor in your LM room and have a range of activities planned that provide opportunity to familiarise yourself more with your teachers, classmates, and the school and how it operates. You may have an assembly and meet the Principals, Assistant Principals, House Leaders, and hear from the Junior School Leaders and Transition Coordinators. The aim of the day is to prepare you for the best start to regular classes on Day 2.

Is Year 7 Camp compulsory and how much does it cost?

It is strongly encouraged that all students attend Year 7 Camp as this is one of the best experiences and opportunities a student has for consolidating their learner strengths and building relationships with their teachers and classmates. It is also very fun. Regular Year 7 classes do not run back at school during camp.

When does Year 7 Camp need to be paid by?

Please refer to the information on the forms and on Compass. As a guide, it is usually by the start of the school year.

Can parents participate/attend in Year 7 camp?

It is important students are able to develop friendships and participate in activities knowing they are not being watched by their parents. It is also important in the development of grit and resilience that students are only on camp with teachers and camp staff. Therefore, parents are not allowed to accompany students on camp. Whilst this may be of some anxiety for both parents and students, we have measures in place to help students become accustomed to being away from home and their family. Most students despite some initial nervousness, soon forget all about it once they arrive at camp.

When is the IT onboarding process?

Onboarding takes place in the week prior to the first day of the school term. It is strongly encouraged every student is onboarded with their device prior to the commencement of term. Find out more & make a booking.

What do I need to bring to the onboarding session?

Please bring the laptop device you intend to use for school and any accessories (eg. Charger). The best experience is when students and parents/carers attend so both can follow the process and ask questions.

Do I need to provide any immunisation records for vaccinations?

You are welcome to provide vaccinations certificates through the school office, however these are not mandatory.

Is a recording of the Year 7 Information Session available?

No, due to privacy we cannot release the recording. However, ‘The Hub’ is full of information, resources, and Q&As collated from all sessions over multiple years.

Ready to Learn


Our Uniform page provides information on school uniform, how to book a fitting and order your uniform with supplier, OnTrack Sportswear.


Our IT team provide school technology strategy and student support. Booklists & Laptops


By what date do we need to place our booklist order?

Please visit our Booklist page for more information. 

What is the e-bundle and e-package? Do we need both or can we get all hard copies?

All students are required to purchase the Rowville Perfect Bundle Year 7. You can then choose whether you purchase either Option 1: Print and Digital Textbook OR Option 2: Digital Textbook only. You must purchase one of either Option 1 or Option 2. You can purchase second-hand books as long as they are the correct editions, however the bundles cannot be split, so you can’t choose to buy some new and some second-hand books. The only way you could use second-hand books is if you buy Option 2, and then additionally purchase whichever second-hand books you’d like to.

Can we get books second-hand?

Yes, just make sure they are the correct editions. It is not advised that second-hand workbooks are used as even erased out answers may still appear and prevent real learning taking place.

Which specialism and broad arts text books do I need to buy from the booklist?

In short, you should purchase all books for subjects listed as “Broad Arts”, as all students no matter their specialism will take these classes.  Where subjects are listed as “Specialism”, you only need to purchase books for your child’s particular specialism, and no other specialism. Regarding the items listed as 1, 2 & 3 on the booklist, everyone needs to purchase item number 1, and in addition choose either 2 or 3.

Do I need a laptop or iPad?

All Year 7 students are required to have a laptop. Teachers need to be able to plan effectively knowing that students have similar access and function, so we ask that iPads are not used.

What brand of laptop do you recommend? Do they come with a protective cover or bag?

JB Hi-Fi have a range which we recommend, however it is not compulsory to purchase laptops through JB, as long as the laptop has the correct specifications as set out on the BYOD page of our website. Generally, laptops do not come with cases, however it is a good idea to purchase one.

Is it best to get a MacBook?

There are no expectations about the brand of laptop you purchase. In senior years, depending on subject choice, including arts or media, it can be a viable option, but not required. But there is also no guarantee the specifications of a device purchased in Year 7 will meet specifications of these specialist subjects 5 or 6 years later.

What is the best way to label a new laptop?

The simple way is to use a label-maker device. However that is very easily removed. Other options include names being engraved in the plastic bottom casing, or putting a label on the inside of the bottom casing. ie: unscrew the bottom casing if possible. This might be more secure, but could void the warranty. You could also try a blacklight pen available online.

Can I use a protective case to transport my laptop to and from classes/lockers?

Yes – protective cases are encouraged. However, please be aware that in accordance with the Mobile Phone Policy, students are not allowed to carry school bags around during the day. As such, a laptop bag may be used to carry laptop-related equipment such as a mouse or charger, but it cannot be used as a bag to carry around schoolbooks. It is recommended that students keep the laptop bag in their locker and only carry what they need to class.

Do we need to set up the laptop ourselves or will the school do that for us?

The school will be conducting “on boarding” sessions to help set up the students’ laptops. This will involve making an appointment in term 4  to come into the school during the weeks before Term 1 commences, so that our IT team can help set you up. You will receive details about this towards the end of the year.

Do I need to purchase Microsoft Office or does the school supply it?

It is not necessary to purchase Microsoft Office as all students have access to the Microsoft Office 365 suite as part of their enrolment which includes applications such as Word, Excel and Power Point.

What happens if my laptop breaks down and they do not have access to e-books?

Our IT team will assist with software issues. If you purchase your laptop through JB Hi-fi, JB solutions will deal with hardware issues only.  Alternative arrangements can be made through our IT department in order to not interrupt learning on case by case basic.

Can I use my computer for personal use?

We recommend you keep your computer for school-based activities. There should be no games installed on the computer unless these are used for curriculum purposes.

How do we know what uniform to purchase for next year?

All Year 7s will purchase the school uniform, this is complusory. Visit our school uniform page for more information.

Can I try on the uniform for sizing before purchase?

Yes, OnTrack Sportswears uniform shop, visit our Uniform page for shop details.

Can students wear generic uniform items?

All new uniform items must be purchased through our supplier to match the style, colour and logo of our school.

What is the school policy for shoes? Can students wear runners?

For OHS reasons, students will be required to wear a sturdy and supportive shoe that has no heel or an insignificant heel and totally encloses the foot. A well-fitted runner is recommended. 

Do I need to purchase a RSC school bag?

The RSC school bag is NOT a compulsory item.

Are the RSC rugby top a uniform item?

Not in Year 7.

Year 12s have a unique uniform item. However, a hoodie can be purchased through OnTrack Sportswear for all other year levels.


House systems & LM

Students introduce our House System and Learner Mentor Structure with help from their Learning Mentor and House Leader.


Our Wellbeing Team talk about the services and care we offer our students.


advice from year 7s

Past Year 7 students share their experience transitioning into secondary school and provide useful tips and advice.

What are Learning Mentors and Learning Mentor Groups and classes?

Every student is assigned a Learning Mentor (LM) who has the responsibility to oversee all aspects of their time at school. They are the student’s and their family’s first point of contact for updates, issues or enquiries.

Learning Mentor groups (LMGs) are assigned a number or letter and consist of students who share the same LM. In Year 7, students have a dedicated LM for that year level and class and are therefore considered a “rainbow” group because it is a mix of students in different houses. In Year 8, students have a new LM and LMG which is based on their house. They will have that LM and remain in that LMG for the rest of their time at RSC.

Learning Mentor classes or sessions occur first thing every morning and are an important opportunity to deliver messages and notices to the group. Students also take part in activities that help prepare them for the day and build relationships with their teachers and their peers. In most cases, ConnectEd classes are also taught by a student’s LM.

How does your house program work? Are siblings in the same house?

We have four houses at RSC: Aston Kangaroos (red), Mabo Dingos (yellow), Stynes Sharks (blue) and Walton Eagles (green). Students are designated to a House from Day 1, and there are various house activities throughout the year, such as House Athletics, a Photography Competition, and Rowville’s Got Talent. Students with older siblings will be placed in the same house as their sibling/s. For more information, please see our House System.

How do I find out my Learning Mentor Group and House?

Learning Mentor Group and House are typically announced on Orientation Day.

How do I contact the Wellbeing team?

Wellbeing Coordinators: Jo Johnson (East) and Andy Phillips (West)
Phone 9755 4555 (ask for Wellbeing East or Wellbeing West).
Email: wellbeing@rowvillesc.vic.edu.au

When will I receive the school fees and payment requests?

During Term 4, you will be able to log into Compass using your parent account and make payment should Compass be your preferred payment option. For more details, visit our school council parent payments page.

Can I pay school fees with a payment plan?

Yes, you can. Log in to Compass using your parent account and you can make a payment plan in the ‘Course Confirmation and Payments’ section.

What supports are available for kids with different learning needs?

Our leaders, teachers, and educational support staff are well-equipped to support students with different needs. Depending on the nature of the need, supports may include Individual Education Plans (IEPs), changes in the work and delivery of content, or support provided by a Tutor or Teacher’s Aid.

Do we need to bring our primary school learning plans (IEP/ILP) with us to RSC?

Ideally, your primary school will share your learning plans with us. If they have indicated they will not be doing that on your behalf, we request that you forward these to your child’s Learning Mentor or email to the appropriate Transition Coordinator.


General Excellence

Watch this General Excellence video showcasing the wonderful things our GE program offers our students including huge subject choice, music, sports, extra curricular, outstanding campus and Year 7 Centre plus more.

maths and science academy

Get insight into what our Maths & Science Academy looks like and offers students at Rowville Secondary College. A wide variety of subject choice, lots of curricular and extra curricular activities and a huge focus on everything STEM inside and outside the college. 

Institute of the Arts 

This video is an overview of our Institute of the Arts program and five specialisms dance, drama, visual arts, music and media.

Sports Academy

Find out what secondary school looks like for our student-athletes who attend our elite Sports Academy.

What languages are available at RSC?

The languages taught at RSC are Italian (RIA and GE) and Indonesian (MSA).

RIA: Do the Broad Arts continue in every school year?

In Years 7 & 8, all students will have one semester of each of the specialisms as Broad Arts. These classes are taken with their regular class. From Year 9, the Broad Arts become electives and the subjects are more varied and specific. For more information about Broad Arts, please see the RIA Curriculum on the website

RIA: How many students are in each class?

The maximum number of students in any class at RSC is 26. The specialism classes for Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts are multi–year classes, made up of Junior (Yr 7 & 8), Intermediate (Yr 9 & 10) and Senior (Yr 11 & 12). Dance specialism has a separate class for each year level. Numbers in each class depends on the number in that specialism, and currently may vary from 8 students to 26 students.

RIA: Are there any out of house rehearsals required for class-based performances?

Our biannual Showcase performance/exhibition and individual specialism performance nights take place in the evening, however there is no regular rehearsal time outside school hours.

RIA: Is it compulsory to do LOTE Italian?

Yes, all RIA students take Italian language class as one of their compulsory core subjects from Year 7 to Year 9. From Year 10 onwards, Italian becomes an elective.

MSA: What type of activities do the students do that are different to the GE program?

In MSA students also study a STEM specialism subject and engage in many extra curricular events to further enhance their learning.


MSA: What is the typical class size?

There is usually just one MSA class per year level. The maximum class size is 26 students.

MSA: Are there any coding classes?

Yes, as part of our STEM specialism class the students study block coding and then move onto text based coding as they progress through the program.

MSA: In coding, if I have achieved past Python, will RSC be able to support my learning at this stage?

Absolutely, we value student voice in determining what directions our projects take within specialism classes. We are very keen to see what they are interested in and how we can explore this further.

MSA: Do MSA classes from different levels ever meet up for a project?

Yes, we try to encourage collaboration between the MSA classes where we can. This is sometimes limited due to timetabling issues but we would love to expand on how the MSA classes collaborate in coming years.

MSA: Will my student be able to engage in a music program while part of MSA?

Yes, we have a specialised STEM Music subject in year 7 where students receive lessons to make a balanced concert band along with investigating the aspects of STEM in music.

RSA: Are cricket students expected to bring their cricket bags with them every day?

Students enrolled in the cricket program are requested to bring all of their own equipment necessary to participate in training and coaching sessions safely. This would include helmet, pads, bats, etc. Rowville Sports Academy supplies the use of a secured shed on the property where students may store their equipment when not at training. It is personal choice as to whether students decide to leave their bags locked in the shed overnight or take their bags to and from school with them each day. Students utilising this facility do so at their own risk.

RSA: Where do golf students store their clubs during the day?

Golf students are encouraged to bring a minimalised set of clubs with them for days of training.  It is recommended that students utilise an 8-inch stand bag for ease of travel and storage.

Rowville Sports Academy supplies a secure shed for all of the Golf Students to store their equipment during the day when not at training/coaching sessions.  It is personal preference of each student as to if they wish to store their equipment at school in the secure shed overnight, or if they wish to travel with their Golf bags to and from school each day. Students utilising this facility do so at their own risk.

Churchill Waverley Golf & Bowls Club has a designated RSA Classroom that is kept locked.  Students are permitted to store their equipment in this room between sessions held at Churchill Waverley Golf & Bowls Club. Please confirm with the Golf Coach each session if the following session will be held at Churchill Waverley Golf & Bowls Club or another location.

RSA: Are there any specific requirements for tennis equipment?

It is recommended student bring a racquet bag to protect racquets and store other basic equipment. They should of course have appropriate footwear for the court. Any other information will be provided by the coach during the first session.

Student Experience

Co-curricular activities

Here is an overview of our co-curricular activities available to all of our students at the college. Including Production, Camps & Excusions and Inter-school Sport.

Instrumental music program

Instrumental Music Directors provide insight into our Instrumental Music Program with help from our music students.


student leadership & src

A member of our Student Representative Council, talks about our SRC program and how you can get involved. Complete Year 7 Captain Application Form.

year 7 camp & excursion

Past Year 7 student talks about the Year 7 Camp and school excursions on offer at Rowville Secondary College.

Can I learn a musical instrument even if I'm not in RIA

Yes, we have a fabulous instrumental music program open to students in all programs. A range of instruments are available for private/group lessons and to join in our ensembles. Please see our Instrumental Music Program page.

When will I receive confirmation of music lessons and instrument hire?

Within a week of expressing your interest, you should be contacted acknowledging this and to discuss options with you and confirm an enrolment. Final confirmation of lessons and instruments takes places at the start of the school year.

What is KIOSC?

KIOSC (Knox Innovation Opportunity and Sustainability Centre) is a joint initiative of the secondary schools in the City of Knox and Swinburne University of Technology.

How can I be part of the SRC and student leadership team at RSC?

Early Term 1, we will share the process for electing our Year 7 SRC members. Here is the application form if you wish to express an interest.